Page As your child enters school their independence becomes more defined. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Starting school brings children this age into the larger world. Friendships become more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in their abilities and in all areas of life, including friends, schoolwork, and sports.
Page Kindergartners begin their educational journey by applying their skills to learn how to read and write. They are eager to learn and wonder about the world and will soak up information like sponges. They now know thousands of words, are developing friendships and following rules. Kindergartners love attention and seek your approval. They may get upset if they feel they are not being listened to. They are energetic and crave physical activity like running, jumping and climbing. Give them opportunities to be involved in projects and celebrate their accomplishments. They will develop confidence in themselves and a lifelong love for learning.
Page Preschoolers are busy learning basic life skills and developing a new found sense of independence. They are learning to do things for themselves like dressing and feeding themselves, have rapidly developing language skills and an imagination to match! Watch their personalities blossom as they busily learn through play. Preschoolers are trying to understand the “why’s” of the world, and are just beginning to understand emotions and how to manage them. Preschoolers need clear and simple rules to help them understand boundaries and manage their behavior. This is the time to make sure they are developing the critical skills they need to be ready for Kindergarten and will learn best when you make it fun.
Page Your child is no longer a baby. They are now active, curious creatures busy learning about themselves and their world. Toddlers are little scientists testing and exploring everything. They are sure to keep you on your toes. Safety becomes more important than ever during this stage. Your child is discovering their sense of self and will want to try new things, but is still eager to be comforted by you. Celebrate their efforts and help them problem solve through trial and error. These can be challenging times as toddlers assert their new found independence. “No!” becomes their favorite word. You can help guide them through this stage by gently and consistently enforcing rules and modeling self-control by staying calm during tantrums.
Page Congratulations! Your baby is finally here. The next few months will be full of surprises as your baby rapidly grows and develops. Babies change more in the first year of life than at any other time. Set the stage to a great start in their life by providing a safe, nurturing and responsive environment. Be sure to track important developmental milestones to make sure they are healthy, thriving and on track. Remember to enjoy every minute and snuggle your new baby often!
Page Congratulations! Welcome to the exciting journey of becoming a parent. In the days and months ahead your body and your baby are both developing and changing in amazing ways. Your physical and emotional health are very important to your growing baby. It is important to make sure you are receiving regular prenatal care to monitor your health as well as the growth and development of your baby.