Join Michigan Alliance for Families for a FREE webinar workshops for families of children with disabilities, youth with disabilities, and those who support them. If you need accommodations, please let us know at least two weeks before the event. Who should attend? Families with a child with a suspected disability or learning challenge, school staff, other community members.
March 3rd-Crafting Your Parent Input Statement with Stephanie Nicholls: Parents have the right to bring questions, concerns, and ideas to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meeting. Your parent input in the IEP is your opportunity to make sure all your child’s needs are considered by the team. Together we will explore different methods to craft your parent input statement and focus on what elements are important to include.
March 5th-Math for All: Supporting Your Child with Disabilities in Math with Alt+Shift with Rachel Tabron: Supporting your child in math can feel overwhelming for any parents, including parents of students with disabilities. This webinar aims to provide families with an understanding of math practices for students with disabilities and offer practical strategies they can use to support their child's mathematical learning. During this workshop we will: • learn about evidence-informed practices that make math accessible to all students • discover strategies and techniques to support a child's mathematical learning • increase confidence in your ability to support and advocate for your child's mathematical learning
March 5th-Due Process Complaint and Hearing with Michelle Driscoll: Due process is a formal way to resolve disputes with a school about your child’s education. In a due process hearing there is an impartial hearing officer, a hearing, evidence, and witnesses. This free, online workshop will explain when and why a parent may want to file a due process complaint/request a due process hearing and how the process works. • Explain the federal regulations, state rules and guidance about resolving disputes and complaints • Learn about informal and formal dispute resolution options • Understand the due process complaint and hearing process and procedures • Review the issues which can be addressed in a due process complaint and the timelines to complete complaint and hearing process • Learn about the Final Decision and Order and how to appeal a due process hearing decision • Understand the purpose of an Expedited Due Process hearing related to suspension/expulsion Who should attend? Families with a child or young adult with disabilities or learning challenges, school staff, other community members.
March 6th-IEP: A Closer Look with Stephanie Nicholls: This workshop takes a closer look at the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. This workshop will help you: • take a more in depth look at the core areas of the IEP • prioritize your greatest concerns • learn how to address those concerns through the IEP process • improve your ability to have productive conversations There will also be time set aside to ask questions.
March 12th-Growing Up with Self-Determination with Karen Wang: Youth with disabilities have strengths and are able to make decisions that are important to them. Families can enable and empower youth to communicate their strengths and needs. In this workshop, families and youth can learn about: • What Self-Determination is • How to teach Self-Determination from an early age • Specific activities that help youth with decision-making skills • Where to find information about decision-making skills • How youth with disabilities can bring their ideas into IEP meetings.