Great Start recognizes the importance of community involvement and the value of opportunities for families to learn and grow together. We have created these community calendars as a way to share timely community events with you. If you know of any events please take time to add them to our community calendar or forward the information to Please encourage the agencies and organizations that you partner with to do so as well so we can have a comprehensive one stop shop for early childhood information in our communities.
Please note that there are guidelines for submissions and each will be reviewed before posting
Are you raising a child with special needs? Do you feel there may be something going on, but don't have a diagnosis yet? Do you ever feel alone or that no one understands what you are going through?
You are not alone! Parents Like Me Support Group is for parents and caregivers raising someone with special needs. It is a place to share our experiences, pass on tools and information, get resources in the community, and learn from others rating children with disabilities. It is open to the public for families in delta, Schoolcraft and Menominee Counties.
It takes place on the last Thursday of each month from 7 pm-8:30 pm at the Escanaba early Childhood Center. Contact carrier at 906-786-7080 EXT 163 to RSVP. Childcare is NOT provided for this group.