Great Start’s 2020 Little Learners Reading Program

Great Start’s 2020 Little Learners Reading Program

This year’s FREE reading program for 0-5 year olds is a combination of online and optional in-person sessions. Giving families the flexibility to attend at their own comfort levels.  Week 1 teaches  Sensational Skills and Week 2 focuses on Joyful Reading facilitated by award-winning teacher and national author, Dr. Gina Pepin! Learn ways to build essential foundational literacy skills and  maximize shared reading experiences with your children through 3 videos, 2 online parent discussions and 2 fun live or virtual activity sessions. PLUS, each Family receives free books and materials to keep and use at home. Parents who complete videos and at least 1 part of each Section (discussion and/or activity session for Sensational Skills and Joyful Reading) will receive a $20 Amazon or Walmart gift card for participating! Visit to register and learn more or call Gina at with questions at 906-399-8979.

Program schedule

7/27 to 8/4 watch the 2 short Sensational Skills videos on your own

8/4 6:30pm-7:30pm Online Parent discussion about sensational skills. What they are currently doing and ways to expand learning

8/6 9:00am to 10:00am Online activity session OR 11:00am to Noon in person at Ludginton Park-practice sensational skills WITH your child!

8/7 to 8/11 watch 1 short Joyful Reading video on your own

8/11 Online Parent discussion about joyful reading. What they are currently doing and ways to expand learning

8/13/20 9:00am to 10:00am Online activity session OR 11:00am to Noon in person at Ludginton Park-practice joyful reading WITH your child!

Little Learners