6/15/19 Movie Night in Ludington Park 8pm-10pm free family movie at the Karas Bandshell. Movie to be announced. www.deltami.org
6/16/19 Father’s Day at DeYoung Family Zoo 10am-5pm N5406 County Road 577 Wallace, Michigan all awesome Dads get in free. Regular ad-mission $10 kids, $12 seniors, $14 adults, 3 and under free. www.thedeyoungfamilyzoo.com
6/17 - 6/22/19 Missoula Children's Theatre Auditions for Peter and Wendy held Monday June 17th at 10am in the Bonifas Theater. For students en-tering 1st through12th grade. Free. No advance preparation is necessary 55-60 cast members will be chosen. Rehearsals held throughout the week. Performance of Peter & Wendy 6/22/19 at 3pm and 6pm. $8, 5 and under free. Visit www.bonifasarts.org for details.
6/19 & 6/26/19 Escanaba City Band Concerts 7:30pm on Wednesdays through the summer at the Ludington Park band shell. Rain dates will be on Thursdays. Find them on Facebook for information.
6/20/19 Lunch Time Live! at Bay 11:30am-1pm An outdoor music series with great local talent and delicious food from area food trucks. Held in Bay College’s outdoor courtyard and sculpture garden The Blue Auroras perform. Wear your most colorful beach wear to this surf themed event for a chance to win tickets to next month’s ukulele concert. www.baycollege.edu
6/20 & 6/27/19 Gladstone Summer Concert Series 7pm weekly summer concerts on Thursdays at the beach house in Van Cleve Park. 6/20 Hozz; 6/26 Derril Syria www.gladstonemi.org
6/21/19 First Bank Customer Appreciation Day 11am-3pm. 3 locations; Escanaba on Ludington & on 3rd Ave. /& Gladstone on Delta Ave. Lunch 11am-2pm, bounce houses 11am-3pm, Treats, games & prizes for the kids all day!
6/21/19 Fairy Houses 6pm-8pm at the Bonifas Arts Center. Build a fairy house with Instructor Kate Oman. The class will be held outside in the Bonifas garden, weather permitting. Ages: K+ to Adult. Kids under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Bonifas Member: $23/Non-Member: $28. Visit www.bonifasarts.org for details.
6/22/19 Pump Up the Park Community Cookout 11am-4pm in Escanaba at the Municipal Dock. Features bounce house, games, obstacle course, slides, music and food! www.deltami.org
6/24 & 7/1/19 Escanaba Music Mondays 7-9pm Ludington Park band shell, free music on Mondays 6/24 through 8/5/19. Rain dates on Tues-days. 6/24 Sit Down Francis – 80’s & 90’s Rock & Roll; 7/1/ Cherrie Bombs – Classic & progressive rock, 80’s to present www.bonifasarts.org
6/25/19 Lunch Bunch 11:30am Tuesdays at the Escanaba Public Library starting June 25th. Join other families for lunch on the patio (weather permitting) for stories with hands-on activities to follow in the story room for ages 4 to 10. Free event. Please bring your own lunch. No registration is required. www.escanabalibrary.org
6/26/19 Great Start Ready to Read- Touch the Brightest Star: Night Sky 10:30am-noon at the Gladstone Public Library. A special time for kids ages 0-5 yrs and their caregivers filled with fun activities to inspire read-ing, exploring and wondering together at home. This session features the night sky, solar system and stars. Register at tinyurl.comreadytoread2019 or call 906-399-8979 with questions. www.great-start.org
6/26/19 Discovery Days 1:30pm-2:30pm at the Escanaba Library. Dis-cover something new every week with a new guest and project. Explore topics like yoga, robotics, sign language, astronomy, and slime! Free event for ages 10 and up. No registration is required. www.escanabalibrary.org
6/27/19 Great Start Ready to Read- Touch the Brightest Star: Night Sky 10:30am-noon at the Escanaba Public Library. A special time for kids ages 0-5 yrs and their caregivers filled with fun activities to inspire read-ing, exploring and wondering together at home. This session features the night sky, solar system and stars. Register at
tinyurl.comreadytoread2019 or call 906-399-8979 with questions. www.great-start.org
6/27/19 Lunch Time Live! at Bay 11:30am-1pm An outdoor music series with great local talent and delicious food from area food trucks in Bay College’s outdoor courtyard and sculpture garden. Enjoy the Best of Bay as selection of talented Bay employees perform. www.baycollege.edu
6/27/19 Storyteller Mike Deren 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Escanaba Li-brary. Celebrate U.P. history with professional storyteller, Mike Deren, who will be performing as a lumberjack from Northern Michigan in the late 1800’s. The audience can expect music, fun, and lots of participa-tion! Free! No registration is required. www.escanabalibrary.org
6/29/19 7th Annual Nahma Music Festival 11:30am-9:30pm Five bands, food and vendors. $5 adults/kids 10 and under free. www.nahmatownship.us
6/29/19 Movie Night in Ludington Park 8pm-10pm free family movie at the Karas Bandshell. Movie to be announced. www.deltami.org
7/16/19 Child Find Do you have concerns about your child’s develop-ment? Want to make sure they are on track? Free developmental screenings for children 0-5 years old at the DSISD. Call 906-786-9300 ext 201 to schedule an appointment.
Bowl-A-Rama Summer Specials
Wednesdays $1 per game and a $1 for shoes until Sept. Plus $5.99 homemade 1 topping 14” pizzas while you bowl or for take out!
$2 Thursdays- $2 per game and $2 for rental shoes from 4pm to 11pm
$5 Fridays-2 games of bowling and rent-al shoes for $5
Fourth of July Celebrations
Escanaba: 7/4/19 Ludington Park Angels & Outlaws perform noon-4pm, amateur radio flyers, K-9 demos light house and museum open all 3 days, City Band performs 8-9pm in the Ka-ras Band Shell, photo booth and family movie night to follow. Movie TBA.
7/5/19 Rock the Dock 6pm-10 pm featuring Sore on Sunday, Speedy Beef and the Jam Band.
7/6/19 Rock the Dock/Fireworks Cadillacs perform 1-5pm, bounce house. National Guard Band performs 7:30pm-9pm with fireworks following at dusk.
Gladstone: 7/4/18 Parade 11am (Hunting, fishing, outdoors theme), bands, kids activities and food all day in the park, fire-works at dusk
Bark River: 7/4/19 Parade at 11am (Ray’s Feed Mill to the township park). Noon begins food, kids’ games, & music, in the park. Fireworks at dusk.
Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition ● June 2019