Mar 2019 Newsletter pg1of2

Mar 2019 Newsletter pg1of2

DCGSPC Mar 2019 Newsletter pg1of2

March 2019 Community Family Events
3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22/19 Grace Church of Gladstone Playgroup Fridays 10am-11:30am in church multipurpose room. Kids 0-5years . Open gym free play. Open to the public. Contact Megan with questions  906-396-8346 or

3/2/19 Disable the Label Disability Awareness Community Event 10am to 3pm at the Delta Plaza Mall. Visit calendar for more details.

3/2 & 4/6/19 Happy Tails Story Time 10:30am -11:15am at the Delta Animal Shelter meets on the 1st Saturday of the month for kids ages 3-5 years old. Features animal related stories, activities and an opportunity to meet some animal guests.

3/2/19 8th Annual Open Invitational Ice Race 2pm Start time./11am registration. West Gladstone Bridge 5442 County Road 420 21st Road, Gladstone $5 donation. 906-786-0602

3/2/19 Try Sled Hockey 2:30-4:30pm at the Wells Sports Complex. Try Sled Hockey for free! Equipment is provided. Dress WARM! Questions? Call Allen 906-360-3019

3/2/19 Youth in Art Talent Show Auditions 10am-4pm at the Bonifas Art Center. Students (grades K-12) can be a part of the Youth in Art talent show on 3/15 by performing at a welcoming audition session. Any type of performing artist is encouraged to audition (dancers, comedians, singers, jugglers, musicians, magicians, poets, actors, etc.). Auditions can be scheduled by calling 906-786-3833. Walk-ins can audition at the first available time but there may be a wait.

3/2/19 Game Day at the Escanaba Library 1pm-2:30pm Enjoy a day of screen free board games with friends and family. Games available or bring your favorite! All ages. No registration or cost.

3/3/19 Youth Cross Country Ski Program 2pm-4pm at the John & Melissa Besse Sports Park on North Bluff Dr. in Gladstone. Free program for children K-12 designed to introduce kids to new activities. Includes coaching and use of ski equipment (skis/poles/ski boots) on a first-come, first-served basis., Sign Up at Brampton Bike & Ski or Mr. Bike, Ski & Fitness. Ski equipment must be picked up before events.

3/4/, 3/11, 3/18, & 3/2519 Homeschoolers Art Class 11am-12pm at the Bonifas. An engaging and lively weekly class with art center art curriculum for homeschoolers ages K-8. $45 for the series runs weekly through May 8.

3/5/19 1st Aid and CRP Recertification 6pm-9pm at YMCA. Ages 14 & up. Must have current certification. $65 member/$105 non-members

3/7, 3/14, 3/21/19 Toddler Art and Music at the Bonifas Thursdays, 9:30am-10:15am Ages: mobile to 3yrs and their caregivers. February instructors Lorne Watson and Cheryl Mounsey. Combines fun and learning to nurture imagination, problem solving and motor skills. $5 per session. Walk-ins welcome.

3/7 & 3/21/19 Kinder-Light Play Group 10:30-11:30am on the 1st & 3rd Thursday every month through May 10th in the Y gym. This play group is for families of little ones ages 0-5years to play and socialize with others. FREE to Members /$10 General Public Family.

3/7/19 $1 Bowling Night 4pm-9pm at Bowl-a-Rama. Affordable bowling for families $1 per game, shoe rentals, pizza slices and pop. First Thurs-day of each month. Visit Bowl-a-Rama on Facebook for more details.

3/8/19 Parents Night Out 5:30pm-8pm. Bring your kids ages 5-12 years to the YMCA for games, swimming, pizza and fun while you enjoy a night out. $8 members/$10 gen public. Register at

3/9/19 Sibshop 10am-1pm Sibshops are recreational workshops providing support and friendship for children ages 7-13 years old who have a brother or sister with special needs. Contact Laurie Mold at 419-320-5542 or to register.

3/9/19 Lego Club 10:30am-12pm at the Escanaba Library (castles, knights, & medieval theme) for children ages 5 and up with caregiver. Bring a gallon sized zip lock bag of Legos and create together. There is a drawing a Lego at the end of each session. No registration required.

3/10/19 It’s Your Day Bridal Expo 11am-2pm EST Island Resort & Casino. Runway Showcase, door prizes, light refreshments, vendors and grand prize (over $2,000 value). Must be 16 or older to attend. Tickets are $10 or by phone at 877-475-7469.

3/12/19 Grand-Families Support Group 5pm-7:00pm at 1905 South 21st St. A chance to support one another, share a meal and have a little respite time with other grandparents raising grandchildren Call 789-0997 to register for free meal and childcare. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month. Call 789-0997 ext 101 to RSVP.

3/12/19 Irish Music with Kitty Donohoe Concert 6:30-7:30pm at the Escanaba Library. An evening of melodic and unforgettable Irish music with acclaimed singer and songwriter Kitty Donohoe. Free event and no registration is required.

Youth in Art Gallery Reception through March 28th Free. Artist Reception: Grade K-5th: Wed., March 13, 6-7pm; Grade 6th-12th: Thurs., March 14, 6-7pm The Bonifas Art Center hosts nearly 1,000 pieces of Delta County area schools children’s artwork.

3/13/19 Great Start Family Fun Night at Escanaba Library: Seussational! 6:30pm-7:30pm Have fun with language and unleash your imagination with Dr. Seuss classics! Fun stories, activities, craft and a snack. This is a PJ friendly event. Bring a gently used book to exchange. Space is limited. Please register at or contact Laurie Mold at 419-320-5542 to register or with questions.

3/14, 3/18, 3/28/19 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meets 10am-11:30am on Thurs 3/14 & 3/28 and 6:30pm-8:30pm on Mon 3/18 at New Life Church in Escanaba. Childcare available. Special dinner/movie date night on 3/16 from 6-9pm. $40 w/out childcare, $50 w/childcare per couple. Find MOPS on Facebook (Delta County MOPS)