Mar 2019 Newsletter pg2of2

Mar 2019 Newsletter pg2of2

DCGSPC Mar 2019 Newsletter pg2of2

3/15/19 Youth in Art Talent Show 6pm-8pm at the Bonifas. Showcasing the great talent of children grades K-12 in the performing arts from our area. Tickets available at the door are $8 per person, five and under free.

3/15/19 YMCA K-3 Sock Hop 5:30pm to 8pm for ages 5-9 years. While the D.J. spins the music, kids will bop, jump and jam. Dancing, contests and food. Lots of fun on a cold winter night! $8 members/$12 general public.

3/16/19 Spring Extravaganza Craft/Vendor Show 9am-4pm Gladstone Senior High School. Benefit Gladstone Braves sports and activities. For Vendor information contact Tara Bruce by email or text 906-428-3473. Please do not contact the school.

3/16/19 Mid Pen Lego Club 10:30 -11:30am at Mid Peninsula School. Open to children and their family's who love to create and build together with Legos! Bring your own Legos. Free and open to the public, your child does not need to be a student at Mid Pen to attend.

3/16/19 Escanaba Public Library Story Hours The 3rd Saturday of the month Oct-May,1:30pm in the Children's Library. FREE for children 4 years and older. No registration is required. Includes stories, crafts, and occasionally a book-related movie or special guest. Toddler Time meets Wednesdays at 10:30am. Lapsit for babies meets Fridays 10:30am. Registration required for these times.

3/19/19 Child Find Do you have concerns about your child’s development? Want to make sure they are on track? Free developmental screenings for children 0-5 years old at the DSISD. Call 906-786-9300 ext 201 to schedule an appointment.
3/20/19 Adaptive Dance Class in Escanaba 5:30pm-6:30pm FREE & FUN People of all abilities and ages are welcome! Registration required by contacting Mo at 906-228-5744 and Location and event details given upon registration.

3/21/19 Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition Meeting 6pm-7:30pm at the Delta-Schoolcraft ISD. Delta County Pregnancy Services explains how they help women through pregnancies. Free dinner and onsite childcare provided by Small Wonder Preschool. Please RSVP to 906-786-9300 ext 111 or with the number of children and adults attending.

3/23/19 YMCA Nerf & Turf Night (3rd-6th graders) Wells Sports Complex). Kids bring their own NERF gear: guns, bullets (must be Styrofoam with rubber ends), vests and goggles. The Y provides the space, obstacles, supervision and fun. (Grades 3 & 4 4:00-5:30 pm; Grades 5 & 6 5:30-7:00pm; Grades 7 & 8 7:00-8:30pm . $8 Members/$12 General Public.

3/25 - 3/29/19 Spring Break Day Camp at the YMCA 9am-4:30pm Crafts, swimming and games! members $110/non-members $139. Before and after care available. Call for details.

3/27 & 4/19/19 Safe Sitter Classes prepares kids to be safe when they are home alone, watching younger siblings or babysitting. Students learn life saving skills, including CPR. Runs from 9am to 2pm. $66 members/$100 general public with lunch included. Held at Bay College (room TBA). Call 906-789-0005 to register
Contact Us
Laurie Mold, Delta County Great Start Parent Liaison
906-786-9300 ext 111