November 2018 PC newsletter 1of2

November 2018 PC newsletter 1of2

Nov 2018 Delta News pg 1of2

11/1-11/29/18 Toddler Art and Music at the Bonifas Thursdays, 9:30am-10:15am (except on 11/22). Ages: mobile to 3yrs and their caregivers through 12/20/18. Creative play activities and music led by professional teacher/musician, Lorne Watson. Combining fun and learning to nurture imagination, problem solving and develop motor skills. $32 for monthly session or $5 per session. Walk-ins welcome.
11/1/18 $1 Bowling Night 4pm-9pm at Bowl-a-Rama. Affordable bowl-ing for families $1 per game, shoe rentals, pizza slices and pop. The 1st Thursday of each month. Visit Bowl-a-Rama on Facebook for more de-tails.
11/3/18 Bonifas Art Center Holiday Art Fair 10am-4pm 700 1st Ave S. Escanaba. Variety of local artists selling their works, annual art raffle and bake sale.
11/3 & 12/1/18 Happy Tails Story Time 10:30am -11:15am at the Delta Animal Shelter meets on the 1st Saturday of the month for kids ages 3-5 years old. Features animal related stories, activities and an opportunity to meet some animal guests.
11/3/18 Family Games at the Escanaba Library 1pm-3pm. Screen-free family fun! Board games available or bring your own! All ages are wel-come. No sign up required.
11/5 - 11/26/18 Homeschoolers Art Class 10am-11am Mondays at the Bonifas An engaging weekly class with Art Center Art Curriculum for homeschoolers ages K-8. $45 for the series runs weekly through Decem-ber 10th.
11/5 & 11/7/18 Head Start Parent Cafés: Conscious Discipline
11/5 Escanaba Early Childhood Center 1905 South 21st St. , Escanaba 5:15-7pm , 11/7 Gladstone Early Childhood Center 207 S. 12 St. Glad-stone 5:30pm-7pm FREE and open to the public. Learn skills to build positive, loving relationships with children of all ages, improve relation-ships and reduce stress. Childcare and meals are provided. Must regis-ter 48 hours in advance by calling 789-0997 for Escanaba or 428-4231 for Gladstone location.
11/7/18 Great Start Family Fun Night at Escanaba Library: Rainbow Fish 6:30pm-7:30pm FREE! Families will enjoy story time, fun activities and a snack. This is a pajama friendly event. Bring a gently used book to ex-change to keep your home libraries fresh. Space is limited. Please regis-ter at or Contact Laurie Mold at 419-320-5542 with any questions.
11/8/18 Parent Teacher Conferences No school. Check with your school for times and instructions.
11/8/18 Rock Lion’s Club Brunch 9am-1pm at Rock Lion’s Club
Everything to do with breakfast - eggs, omelets, fruit, desserts and more! $8 adults, $5 ages 6-12, 5 and under free
11/9/18 Parents Night Out 5:30pm-8pm. Bring your kids ages 5-12 years to the YMCA for games, swimming, pizza and fun while you enjoy a night out. $8 members/$10 gen public. Register at
11/10/18 12th Annual Escanaba Baseball Annual Craft/Bake Sale 9am- 4pm with over 125 vendors at Escanaba High School. $2 admission, $1 seniors, kids under 10 free. Contact Sandy 906-399-2449.
11/10/18 Lego Club 10:30am-12pm at the Escanaba Library. (Things that go fast theme) for children ages 5 and up with caregiver. Have your child bring gallon sized zip lock bag of Legos and create together. There is a drawing for 2 Lego sets at the end of each Lego Club session. No registra-tion required.
11/10 & 12/7/18 YMCA Nerf & Turf Night (3rd-6th graders) at the HIT Room, Hannahville Ice & Turf Room, 1647 17.4 Road, Escanaba (inside Wells Sports Complex). The Y provides the space, obstacles, supervision and fun. Kids bring their own NERF gear: guns, bullets (must be Styrofoam with rubber ends), vests and goggles. (11/10 3rd-4th grade 5-6:30pm/5th & 6th 6:30-8pm. 12/7 3rd & 4th 6-7:30pm 5th & 6th, 7:30 – 9pm) $5 Mem-bers $8 General Public
11/10/18 Mom Prom 7:30-11:30pm at the House of Ludington, Escanaba for ladies looking for a night out! Music, hors d'oeuvres, raffles, prizes, cus-tom wine glasses, entertainment, and more! $50 More details on Face-book at UpperEdgeDelta.
11/11/18 Ever After Bridal Expo 11am-3pm at the Ruth Butler Building in Escanaba. $10
11/13 & 11/19/18 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meets 10am-11:30am, Thurs 11/13 and Mon 11/19 from 6:30pm-8:30pm 10/25 at New Life Church in Escanaba. Childcare available. Find them on Facebook (Delta County MOPS) for the most up to date information and events.
11/13/18 Grand-Families Support Group 5:30pm-7:30pm 1905 South 21st St. A group for grandparents raising grandchildren. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month. Meal included. Call 786-7080 ext 167 to RSVP.
11/13/18 Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition Meeting 6pm-7:30pm at the DSISD. We will focus on organizing our Parent Café sessions. An evening of great conversation plus, free dinner & childcare. RSVP to Laurie at 906-786-9300 ext 111 or with the number of adults and children attending.
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Delta County Great Start
Parent Coalition Newsletter
November 2018
Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition ● November 2018
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Our VISION is a community where all children come first by empowering parents with knowledge and skills.
Our MISSION is to create a team of parents, working together, to provide families with information,
a supportive network, and the chance to make a positive difference in Delta County.
We work to ensure ALL children enter kindergarten safe, ready, and eager to learn.
November Community Family Events
The Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition meets monthly from 6-7:30pm
Our next meetings: November 13th and December 6th (Holiday Party) at the Delta-Schoolcraft ISD,
Delta County Great Start Parent Coalition ● November 2018
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11/13 & 11/15/18 1st Aid and CRP Training 6pm-9pm at YMCA. Red Cross course consists of 6 hours of basic CPR training for adult and pediatric First Aid & AED training. Learn how to help in emergency situations. Ages 14 & up. All classes are mandatory. $125 Members $200 general public.
11/14 & 11/21/2018 YMCA Schools Out Fun Days 9am-4:30pm Kids grades K-5 (K-3 11/21) enjoy activities, swimming, arts, crafts, and games. Before and after care are available for a small fee. $25 day members / $33 day general public.
11/16/18 YMCA Sock Hop for children K-3rd grade from 5:30- 8pm. Bop, Jump and Jam, Dancing, Contests, Food & Fun! Space is lim-ited. $5 members/$8 general public
11/16, 11/17, & 11/18/18 Annie Escanaba HS Drama production. 8pm. 2pm matinee on 11/18 Tickets $10 on sale at High School Office 906-786-5411.
11/17/18 Escanaba Public Library Story Hour The 3rd Saturday of the month Oct-May,1:30pm in the Children's Library. FREE for children 4 years and older. No registration is required. Includes stories, crafts, and occasionally a book-related movie or special guest. Toddler Time meets Wednesdays at 10:30am. Lapsit for babies meets Fridays 10:30am. Registration required for these times.
11/20/18 & 1/15/19 Child Find Do you have concerns about your child’s development? Want to make sure they are on track? Free developmental screenings for children 0-5 years old at the DSISD. Call 906-786-9300 ext 201 to schedule an appointment.
11/20/18 SAIL Adaptive Recreation in Escanaba 5:30pm-6:30pm FREE November is Nutrition month. People of all abilities and ages are welcome! Talk about ways to put together quick and easy meals, choosing healthier foods, and saving money in the grocery store. Session topics may be changed due to preferences and needs, bring your ideas to the sessions! Bowling on 12/11. Registration re-quired by contacting Mo at 906- 228-5744 and for location infor-mation.
11/20/18 Escanaba Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 7pm at the
Escanaba DDA 1025 Ludington St. Business sales from 3pm-9pm
and festivities including cocoa and carriage rides from 5-8pm.
11/22/18 38th Annual Escanaba Community Thanksgiving Dinner
10am-2pm at Escanaba High School. Free dinners to families in need.
Contact Escanaba Senior Center for reservations or to schedule a
meal home delivery at 906-786-8850
11/23 & 11/24/18 TV 6 Thanksgiving Craft Show 10am-5pm in the
Ruth Butler Building at the UP Fairgrounds, Escanaba $2 adults, kids
12 and under free.
11/23/18 Gladstone Old Fashioned Christmas and tree lighting cere-mony 5:30pm-8:30pm downtown Gladstone. Free family fun for all
12/7 & 12/8/18 Christmas in the Village, UP Fairgrounds. Free admis-sion. Requesting canned good donations. Friday noon-7pm, Satur-day 10am-7pm. Demonstrations, carriage rides, concessions and activities.
12/7/18 Escanaba Christmas Parade Line up at 6pm. Parade starts
at 7pm on Ludington Ave. (906 Theme).
12/8/18 Gingerbread Workshop 10am-11:30am at the Bonifas Arts Center. Space is limited. $12 per participant. Call to register 906-786-3833
Contact Us
Laurie Mold, Delta County Great Start Parent Liaison (906) 786-9300 ext 111 ● ●
Sibshops is a free program for kids 7 to 13 year olds who have a brother or sister with any kind of special needs.
Sibshops are full of fun activities that will keep kids engaged.
They celebrate the important role siblings play with peers who can relate.
Providing opportunities for fun & friendship in a
supportive kid friendly format.
Sibshops will be held monthly on Saturdays from 10:00am-1:00pm
at Webster Elementary in Escanaba, MI with a kick-off family event on Saturday 12/8/18 11am-1pm at the Delta-Schoolcraft ISD.
Register by contacting Laurie Mold, Sibshop Facilitator
at 419-320-5542 or