4-H Schoolcraft County

4-H Schoolcraft County

300 Walnut St # 155

Manistique, Michigan, 49854
(906) 341-3611


Services Provided

Animal Science:

4-H Animal Science & Vet Science Camp 4-H Animal Evaluation 4-H Beef Production & Management 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7)
4-H Companion Animals 4-H Dairy Cattle Production & Management 4-H Exploration Days 4-H Goat Production & Management
4-H Horses & Ponies 4-H Poultry Production & Management 4-H Proud Equestrians Program 4-H Rabbits & Cavies
4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program 4-H Science Blast in the Class 4-H Sheep Production & Management 4-H Swine Production & Management
4-H Veterinary Science Youth Business Guide to Success


4-H China Project 4-H Clothing & Textiles 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7) 4-H Exploration Days
4-H Folk Patterns 4-H Performing Arts 4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program 4-H Visual Arts

Carreer and Enterpreneurship:

4-H Communications 4-H Exploration Days 4-H Junior Citizen Planner 4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program
4-H Veterinary Science Youth Business Guide to Success Youth Entrepreneurship Youth Money Management

Evironmental and Outdoor Education:

4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7) 4-H Entomology 4-H Exploration Days 4-H Forestry Fun Camp
4-H Great Lakes & Natural Resources Camp 4-H Junior Citizen Planner 4-H Plants, Soils & Gardening 4-H Renewable Energy Camp
4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program  4-H Shooting Sports 4-H State Shooting Sports Tournament Michigan 4-H Youth Conservation Council
Outdoor Adventure Challenge

Global and Cultural Education:

4-H China Project 4-H Clothing & Textiles 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7) 4-H Communications
4-H Exploration Days 4-H Folkpatterns 4-H International Exchange Programs 4-H Interstate Exchanges
4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program 4-H Visual Arts Citizenship Washington Focus National 4-H Congress
World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute

Healthy Youth:

4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7) 4-H Exploration Days 4-H Food, Health & Well-being 4-H Healthy U at MSU Camp
4-H Military Family Programs 4-H Plants, Soils & Gardening 4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program Be SAFE
Building Strong Adolescents Inclusive 4-H Jump Into Foods & Fitness (JIFF) Michigan 4-H Healthy Living Challenge: 5-2-1-0 For Your Health
Outdoor Adventure Challenge Put It Up! Food Preservation for Youth Together We Can

Leadership, Citizenship and Service:

4-H Advisory Group Support 4-H Capitol Experience 4-H Citizenship & Tribal Citizenship Academies 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7)
4-H Communications 4-H Community Service & Service Learning 4-H Exploration Days 4-H Junior Citizen Planner
4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program 4-H Youth-Adult Partnerships Character Education Citizenship Washington Focus
Michigan 4-H State Youth Leadership Council Michigan 4-H Youth Conversation Council National 4-H Congress World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute

Life Skills:

4-H Clothing & Textiles 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7) 4-H Communications 4-H Exploration Days
4-H Food, Health & Well-being 4-H Healthy U at MSU Camp 4-H Junior Citizen Planner 4-H Science Blast in the Class
Character Education Inclusive 4-H Youth Business Guide to Success

Science and Engineering:

4-H Animal & Vet Science Camp 4-H Beef Production & Management 4-H Biological Science 4-H Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7)
4-H Companion Animals 4-H Dairy Cattle Production & Management 4-H Entomology 4-H Exploration Days
4-H Forestry Fun Camp 4-H Goat Production & Management 4-H Great Lakes & Natural Resources Camp 4-H Health & Food Science Camp
4-H Horses & Ponies 4-H Plants, Soils & Gardening 4-H Poultry Production & Management 4-H Rabbits & Cavies
4-H Renewable Energy Camp 4-H Scholarships & Recognition Program 4-H Science Blast in the Class 4-H Sheep Production & Management
4-H Spartan Coding Camp 4-H Swine Production & Management 4-H Tech Wizards  4-H Veterinary Science

Volunteering and Mentoring:

4-H Advisory Group Support 4-H Capacity Building for Youth Development Programs 4-H SPIN Clubs 4-H Tech Wizards
4-H Volunteer Training Workshops 4-H Youth Mentoring 4-H Youth-Adult Partnerships Become a 4-H Volunteer
Inclusive 4-H


