Great Start Growing Families Home Visiting Program

Great Start Growing Families Home Visiting Program

2525 3rd Ave South

Escanaba, Michigan, 49829
906-786-9300 ext 116

Services Provided

Growing Families provides home visiting for families with children from pregnancy to age 5 in Delta & Schoolcraft Counties. A parent educator personalizes information to meet the family’s needs and goal setting for parent and child. Growing Families uses Parents As Teachers curriculum, an evidence based national program

Growing Families Home Visiting includes Personal Visits with a parent educator who is knowledgeable about child development and brain research. They will help you understand what to expect as your child grows and offer practical suggestions on encouraging learning as well as managing challenging behavior. The program also provides Group Meetings, Play Groups, Screenings & Assessments, and Connections with Community Resources.


Families with children pregnancy through age 5 (or upon entering Kindergarten). No income criteria, but risk factors considered if there is a waiting list.